Old Time Radio Thrills

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The Strange Dr. Weird - He Woke Up Dead


The Strange Dr. Weird - He Woke Up Dead
A sorry tale of two brothers, one who murders his brother because he won’t agree to grant him the sum of $100,000 from the family foundation to further his supernatural research into communicating with the dead, the now dead brother having decried the foolishness of it all. And then, buy a quirk of fate and in the heat of a discussion, the murderer falls and strikes his head, only to wake up in a cemetery’s mortuary, awaiting burial. What happens next I’ll leave for you to find out, to learn what grim fate awaits his dark soul, and the reason “He Woke Up Dead.

Categories | OTR


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 2.96MB - Duration: 12:14 m (32 kbps 22050 Hz)

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